Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What a Mess!

My love for Japanese flower arranging has turned me into a pack rat. I save everything. Branches, boxes, dried flowers, wire, driftwood, bamboo, plastic straws, containers of all sorts…literally everything that I have used or that I could use sometime in the future to make a creative floral design. 

Lots of problems occur for me when I want to hold on to so much stuff.  Storage and space become an issue. And I hate clutter. Disorganization brings anxiety and a type of restlessness in my spirit. How ironic that creating an arrangement can bring such peace to my soul and beauty to my living space no matter what is going on in my body or my life.

Recently a good friend came over and helped me organize all of my flower arranging things.
What a blessing! It felt SO good to clean up the mess. During the 3 to 4 hour process I was able to let go of many things that I realized that I really didn’t need nor would I use.  AND during the sorting I rediscovered some wonderful items. I was able to think of new and interesting ways of using things that I already had. You might say that I found beauty in the midst of chaos.

Reflection questions:
How do you find balance between what you need and what you want? What to keep and what to let go of?

What can you do to bring more peace and less anxiety into your environment? Into your life?

Who are the people in your life who bless you and/or help you with the messiness in your life?